Today started off as a beautiful day (spring is finally here) and a happy day, which was exactly what I needed.

I have had an extremely busy and stressful last few months, and not getting enough sleep has left me sleep deprived.  You know that saying … ‘things happen in 3’s’, well since I have started this journey it has been more like 33’s.

From major tech problems and issues with my website and computer and I am NOT a tech savy person, to health issues, my dad being recently admitted to the hospital, to being a victim of bank fraud and financial issues like I have never experienced before, discovering who my true friends are and not, and my TV, stereo, computer, phone and car all breaking down within 2 months (the technology gods must be angry at me lol), etc.

I finally made the time to see the movie AVATAR, with a friend.  Loved it!  Absolutely beautiful nature scenes and cinematography.  Very appropriate for EARTH MONTH.  Loved the message of the film and how it reminded us that we need to take care of and be more connected to nature.  NATURE is powerfully moving and inspiring we have to respect it.
I was inspired, happy and on cloud 9 after watching the movie…

Now this part of my day, is hard to write about……

I came home and saw a message in my Facebook message inbox from my new boyfriend…
He broke up with me via a FACEBOOK message.
I know I am a self confessed fan of  Facebook and all things social media …but breaking up with someone via a Facebook message is very inappropriate.
The fact that he is a man in his 40’s made it even more shocking.

When I started this website, I made a conscious decision to make sure I focused on uplifting and inspiring others and myself to LIVE and ENJOY life and to have FUN, and sharing helpful and fun info about my city that is accessible and affordable to everyone.  I am not a critic, I like to call myself a ‘positive storyteller’.  For example, if I attend an event or a restaurant, etc. and I did not find it fun or was not pleased, I simply do not write about it.  I will do something else and write about that instead.  My belief is the NEGATIVE things and people already get ‘too much’ attention.  I don’t want to play in that sandbox.

My goal and mission is to shine the spotlight on all the POSITIVE PEOPLE and things in this great city and the world. So I will not lower myself to bash him.  That is not my style anyways.

Of course I was heartbroken and hurt, mainly because he did it via facebook (still shaking my head at that).
It felt like I was in a Seinfeld episode, I was looking around for George, Kramer and Elaine LOL
His Facebook breakup reminded me of a Sex In The City episode when the main character, Carrie was dumped via a sticky note. LOL

I really wanted to stay home, in bed under the covers and cry a little.  Then mend my heartbreak with a bucket of Haagen-dazs Cookies & Cream LOL.

But I had tickets to go see a play at one of my favourite theatre houses in the city, at the Factory Theatre ……
the play was called a A FABULOUS DISASTER

…and created and performed by the very talented ‘Denise Clarke’ and produced by One Yellow Rabbit Performance Theatre company of Calgary.

A Fabulous Disaster is a dark comedy that deals with a woman dealing with a broken heart, “poignant and elegant, the one woman play bounces through the themes of love, jealousy and belonging that everyone can relate to.”

I thought oh no how timely, maybe I should pass on seeing this one because I thought it would be too sad.
But I forced myself to leave the house and get out and have a FUN night regardless.  I knew if I didn’t, I would stay home and be depressed and I have vowed to never allow anyone, ever again to rent space in my head!  Nope not like I use to in the past.

I am so glad I did, because seeing this MAGNIFICENT play lifted my spirits.

The healing power of arts!!! The reason why I love the arts so much.
The play was so darn funny that I laughed until I cried…literally. (I am giggling as I type this, just thinking about some of the funny scenes and lines)

I totally laughed out loud throughout most of the play.
I was laughing so much my cheeks hurt.  It was that funny!  The entire audience was in stitches.

The very talented actress Denise Clarke, was hilarious with a capital H.
The story was so layered, fun, creative, unique, interesting, thought provoking, moving but most of all FUNNY.
Exactly what the doctor ordered.

I purposely waited around after the play to meet the actress, so I could personally THANK her for lifting my spirits through her artistic talents.  Also for inspiring me to change my perspective, and making me laugh out loud when just a few minutes before I arrived at the Factory Theatre, I was hiding my tears from the other riders on the TTC streetcar. This play reminded me that loosing myself in the ARTS, is much more healthier, fun and healing for the soul, mind, heart and body than a gallon of Haagen Dazs ice cream (and much better for my thighs too LOL).

I will definitely see it again before the run ends this Sunday.  Highly recommended if you want to see some great live theatre for not much more than the cost of a movie ticket.

Life is short, I will always try to remember to get out and have fun.

One of my favourite quotes is by Maya Angelou…

“Love life, engage in it, give it all you’ve got.
Love it with passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it!”

At the beginning of this year I made a promise to myself to live my life to the fullest, every single day.
So I will not internalize his inappropriate actions and take it personally.
I refuse to lay in bed crying for a week, and eat my sorrows away, like I would have done in the recent past.
I know that there are a lot of great men out there, so his actions are not a reflection of all men…Nope not even close to the majority.  There are a lot of good men in this world!

One thing that I have been constantly reminded of on my 365 day journey of love for my city (and for myself) is there are so many GOOD and KIND people in this great city and in this world.  Even though the negative people get a lot more press and attention,  they truly are the minority.  We cant forget that.

Lesson learned…

I will remember to listen to my intuition (it is never wrong)

…and everything happens for a reason because, any man that thinks it is appropriate and respectful to break up with someone via Facebook is not the type of man I want to be with.  So it never would have lasted anyways!

As someone said at the theatre last night, ‘Darling he actually did you a favour, so thank him!’
So true, and I do…
A BIG blessing in disguise.

I KNOW and have total FAITH that the right guy is out there for me and I ‘will’ find TRUE LOVE.  I can feel it deep in my heart and soul.

If you know of any kind, loving, intelligent, funny, mature, courageous and handsome men…I am open to being hooked up.  I heard that this unknown guy in the picture is single, I cant remember his name for the life of me>>>>

…so if anyone has his direct line, let him know that I am available and I would think about going for coffee with him lol here I come LOL!  I have always wanted to try speed dating, it looks like fun…anyone ever try that?

I have moved on!

***The lesson learned from all of this is….I will continue to have FUN, love and laugh, dance…and live a FABULOUS life, even in the midst of DISASTER!

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